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Adam Nalisnick
Sr. JavaScript Engineer
  • JavaScript

Adam has over 10 years of software engineering experience and specializes in full-stack JavaScript engineering. He has deep experience with React, TypeScript, Node, and GraphQL. In addition to helping companies build world-class software, I also have lead software engineering teams and helped my clients interview and hire


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Senior Software Engineer, Tesorio

March 2017 → March 2019

Tech Stack: reactjs, javascript, django, python, postgresql, netsuite, suitescript, redux, suitetalk, webpack, ruby, ruby-on-rails, django-rest-framework

●     Built interactive user interfaces using React and Javascript.

●     Transitioned the main web application to use Redux for state management.

●     Used React and Redux together with a REST backend to create a smooth and customized user experience.

●     Made most architectural decisions for the frontend of the web application.

●     Built generic React components as an internal component library to be used throughout the application.

●     Created utilities to format numbers and currencies for multiple locales.

●     Worked with designers using Sketch to transfer designs to React components.

●     Used Django REST framework and Django to create endpoints to serve the frontend and expose an API to the frontend.

●     Led algorithm development using financial foreign exchange data to assist companies in effectively hedging foreign currency risk.

●     Optimized foreign currency calculations to enable reasonable load times for datasets with high transaction counts. Used Python to pull data from a NetSuite API and load data into a Postgres database.

●     Led the development of a NetSuite integration API written in Ruby/Rails.

●     Designed and implemented complex SuiteScripts and SuiteTalk API requests.

●     Developed a generic method to run SuiteScript searches to avoid creating a new script per search. Worked directly with external treasury and financial teams to collect and implement requirements.

Senior Software Engineer, Surge

September 2015 → March 2017

Tech Stack: reactjs, webpack, npm, node.js, babeljs, sass, twitter-bootstrap, jquery, ruby, ruby-on-rails

●     Created interactive user interfaces using compose-able React components.

●     Used SASS to style and layout web pages

●     Used webpack and es6 modules to bundle client side javascript code.

●     Used babel to transpile modern javascript syntax to es5 compatible code.

●     Created a ruby gem to interface with Exchange servers using SOAP.

●     Created a ruby service to generate and cache image previews for multiple types of files.

●     Created a rich interactive interface for browsing image previews generated on the backend using jQuery and bootstrap.

●     Communicated with a completely remote team using tools such as Slack, Skype, and Zoom.
Participated in daily stand-ups along with sprint planning and retrospective meetings.

●     Communicated directly with product management to complete features.

●     Created custom ruby-on-rails/webpack integrations that provides all the benefits of webpack inside a ruby-on-rails application.

Software Engineer, Braintrust Holdings
Aug 2012 → Sep 2015

Tech Stack: reactjs, npm, node.js, browserify, jquery-ui, java, spring, hibernate, spring-integration, bash, sybase-ase, sybase, sybase-iq,eclipse, maven

●     Architected and guided the conversion of a legacy jquery-ui client to a react client.

●     Utilized Hibernate to interface with Sybase ASE/IQ databases.

●     Utilized Spring Integration to help with connecting separate, small processing endpoints into large but maintainable data flows.

●     Designed and implemented constant additions to a large application while remaining agile enough to respond to customer requests quickly.

●     Made many technical and design decisions for the core processor and related web applications.

●     Responsible for much of the active development of the core processor.
Utilized bash at times to react quickly to customer requirements through the use of cron jobs and shell scripts.Handled the input and output of multiple different file formats.

●     Designed a solution to avoid data loss on system shut downs.

●     Utilized JUnit and the robot framework for automated testing

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